The Free Press Journal

Guiding Light

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple and unique — M B Ratnannava­r


Sahaja Yoga is spreading silently. Beneficiar­ies of this meditation practition­ers in India and various countries have been making special efforts spread the message of love to as many members as possible in many ways. Positive impact of Sahaja Yoga meditation can be experience­d by 5-10 minutes regular meditation in the morning and before going to bed. In Her discourse on distinctio­n between ‘Meditating’ and ‘Being in Meditation’, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi said, “We cannot meditate, we only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and say that, now I am outside the house. Or when you are outside the house, you cannot say ‘I am inside the house’. In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life that is, emotional, physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside, that you are in thoughtles­s awareness, then not only you are there but you are everywhere – because that is the point where you are really universal. From there you are in contact with the power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is in motion, in to every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful earth. You permeate into earth, sky, light, but your movement is slow. Then you say, ‘I am meditating’ – that means you are moving in permeation with universal being. But you are not moving yourself, you are just unloading yourself to be free the weight of things that do not allow you to move".

"When you are in meditation, you must allow yourself to be in thoughtles­s awareness. There the unconsciou­s itself, will take charge and you start moving with the force (beyond). The unconsciou­s is going to work it out and take you where it wants you to go. Try to keep to thoughtles­s awareness all the time. When you are in thoughtles­s awareness, you are in the kingdom of God; his consciousn­ess is going to look after you.”

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