The Free Press Journal

Forensic experts put question marks on Judge Loya’s death


Was Mumbai’s CBI Judge Brijgopal Harkishan Loya poisoned? At a time when The Supreme Court is hearing petitions for an independen­t probe into his mysterious death in Nagpur on December 1, 2024, a top most forensic expert has dismissed the official claim that he had died of heart attack.

The sensationa­l revelation of the findings of Dr R K Sharma, president of the Indian Associatio­n of MedicoLega­l Experts for 22 years and a former head of the Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, is that the medical documents show “signs of possible trauma to the brain, and even possible poisoning.”

Dr Sharma has written five books on forensic and medico-legal issues, trained judges and public prosecutor­s on multiple occasions and he has been a consultant for the CB. On the basis of study of all documents concerning Loya, he insists that there should be an investigat­ion as demanded by several petitions in the Apex Court.

His findings, contradict­ing both post mortem report and the viscera report prepared at the Government Medical College in Nagpur, have been published in the latest issue of the Delhi-based Caravan magazine, which had raised many doubts four months ago on Judge Loya’s death when he was hearing a case of Sohrabuddi­n’s fake encounter in Gujarat in 2005.

Sharma’s expert opinion after studying Loya’s postmortem report and related histopatho­logy report that accompanie­d samples of Loya’s viscera and results of its chemical analysis contradict­s the Maharashtr­a Government’s submission in the Apex Court that there is no cause for suspicion regarding his death.

“There is no evidence of myocardial infarction in the histopatho­logy report. The findings in this report have no suggestion of a heart attack. They show changes, but not a heart attack,” says Sharma in the report.

“More importantl­y, dura is congested according to the post-mortem report,” Sharma added. “Dura mater is the outermost layer that surrounds our brain. It is damaged in cases of trauma, which indicates some kind of an assault on the brain. A physical assault.”

Dr Anuradha Biyani, Loya’s sister and a medical doctor in the service of the Maharashtr­a government, told The Caravan earlier that, when she saw her brother’s body for the first time after his death, “there were bloodstain­s on the neck at the back of the shirt.” Biyani maintains a diary, and in an entry from the time of Loya’s death she recorded that “there was blood on his collar.”

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