The Free Press Journal

PM’s ‘directionl­ess’ policies reason for rising terror, ceasefire cases: Congress


The Congress on Wednesday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi alleging that his "directionl­ess" and "inconsiste­nt" foreign and defence policies have led to a quantum jump in cases of terror and ceasefire violations.

Targeting the prime minister on the issue of national security, the Congress demanded answers from him on questions he had posed to the then UPA government ahead of 2014 elections.

Congress spokespers­on Abhishek Singhvi alleged that it is unfortunat­e that the country's national security is being compromise­d every day and the government is sitting idle.

Seeking to substantia­te the charges, he said in last 44 months of the Modi government, 286 jawans and 138 civilians have died against 115 and 72 respective­ly who died during same period of UPA. Singhvi claimed that there was a five-fold jump in 2,555 cases of ceasefire violations by Pakistan in 44 months of NDA against 543 during the UPA government.

"What does this show? It shows utter hypocrisy, it shows utter double facedness, it shows double speak (of this government)," he said.

The Congress leader asked whether the BJP can get away every time by pointing a finger at the neighbour who is "beyond care and beyond cure".

"Please answer the five questions, Mr government, Mr prime minister and Mr party president. Don't answer them by giving us lessons on nationalis­m," he said, asking the NDA government to answer them with facts and figures, which show a "deplorable and astonishin­g" major increase in the cases of major terrorist incidents in the 45 months.

Singhvi said not one of these five questions has been attempted to be answered by the ruling party and by the prime minister. "The 56-inches is only in talk, in paper. Modi government's directionl­ess policy on national security has created a disquiet on the border," he said.

Noting that the Congress stands resolutely behind brave jawans and world-class army of the country while denouncing Pakistan, he said, "But how long can we ignore that a directionl­ess, irresolute, inconsiste­nt, zigzag, arbitrary foreign and defence policy is going to endanger our brave jawans."

Singhvi said this is the Pakistan which was doing 543 ceasefire violations and now looks in the eye and makes fun and does 2,555 ceasefire violations, a five-fold increase. "Is this your bravery, is this your nationalis­m or is this just 'jumla-baazi'," he said, reports PTI.

Singhvi asked why and how terrorists entered the country and attacked defence installati­ons amid tight security under the Modi government.

He also asked him how they were getting their arms and ammunition and the funding under this government. He also asked what the government intelligen­ce network was doing to intercept communicat­ions of terrorists and how terrorists who fled are not being extradited.

"What is that power in your foreign policy that has led any extraditio­n?"

The same set of questions were asked by Modi when he was BJP's prime ministeria­l candidate.

"Modi ji, we again repeat your own words. First act with regards to these five things- then terrorism will be routed out. Modi ji, you don't have answer to the same questions, which you had asked us, once upon a time," Singhvi asked.

Seeking to substantia­te the charges, Singhvi said in last 44 months of the Modi govt, 286 jawans and 138 civilians have died, as against 115 and 72, respective­ly, who died during same period of UPA govt.

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