The Free Press Journal

Terror : Trump seeks to change thought process


US President Donald Trump on Monday said countries must “open their eyes” and change their “thought process” on how to tackle terrorism, following the latest attack linked to the Islamic State in France.

A Chechen-born 20-year-old man launched a stabbing spree in central Paris on Saturday, leaving one person dead and four seriously wounded.

The knifeman, whose rampage followed a series of jihadist assaults in France that have killed 246 people since 2015, was shot dead by police after an officer failed to subdue him with a Taser.

Expressing sadness over the latest terrorist attack in Paris, Trump said, “So sad to see the terror Attack in Paris. At some point countries will have to open their eyes & see what is really going on.”

“This kind of sickness & hatred is not compatible with a loving, peaceful, & successful country! Changes to our thought process on terror must be made,” he tweeted.

Last year, Trump in his new South Asia strategy had said that America and our partners are committed to stripping terrorists of their territory, cutting off their funding, and exposing the false allure of their evil ideology.

“Terrorists who slaughter innocent people will find no glory in this life or the next. They are nothing but thugs, and criminals, and predators, and — that’s right — losers.

“Working alongside our allies, we will break their will, dry up their recruitmen­t, keep them from crossing our borders, and yes, we will defeat them, and we will defeat them handily,” the US president had said while criticisin­g Pakistan for giving safe haven to “agents of chaos, violence, and terror.”

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