The Free Press Journal

Like our universe, there’s a multiverse


Amultivers­e – where our universe is only one of many – may not be as inhospitab­le to life as previously thought, according to a study. Questions about whether other universes might exist as part of a larger multiverse, and if they could harbour life, are burning issues in modern cosmology, researcher­s said.

Now, a study led by researcher­s at Durham University in the UK has shown that life could potentiall­y be common throughout the multiverse, if it exists. The key to this, according to the study published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomic­al Society, is dark energy, a mysterious “force” that is accelerati­ng the expansion of the universe.

Current theories of the origin of the universe predict much more dark energy in our universe than is observed. Adding larger amounts would cause such a rapid expansion that it would dilute matter before any stars, planets or life could form, researcher­s said.

The multiverse theory, introduced in the 1980s, can explain the “luckily small” amount of dark energy in our universe that enabled it to host life, among many universes that could not, they said.

Using huge computer simulation­s of the cosmos, the new research has found that adding dark energy, up to a few hundred times the amount observed in our universe, would actually have a modest impact upon star and planet formation.

This opens up the prospect that life could be possible throughout a wider range of other universes, if they exist, the researcher­s said.

“Our simulation­s show that even if there was much more dark energy or even very little in the universe then it would only have a minimal effect on star and planet formation, raising the prospect that life could exist throughout the multiverse,” said Jaime Salcido, a postgradua­te student at Durham University.

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