The Free Press Journal

May seeks deal on Brexit as minister quits to join rebels


British Prime Minister Theresa May faces a knifeedge vote in parliament on Tuesday on her centrepiec­e Brexit legislatio­n, despite her last-minute warning that defeat risks underminin­g her negotiatio­ns with Brussels.

MPs in the lower House of Commons will vote on a raft of amendments produced by the upper House of Lords, including one at around 1500 GMT that would give parliament an effective veto over Brexit.

Just hours before the vote, the pressure on May cranked up when a pro-EU junior minister quit the government so he could back the veto proposal.

Philip Lee said a choice between “bad and worse” options was not giving MPs a meaningful vote.

Other flashpoint­s in the parliament­ary votes include proposals to keep Britain tightly aligned with the EU’s economy.

May has said a government defeat would weaken its hand in exit talks with the EU.

“We must think about the message parliament will send to the European Union this week,” May told MPs in her centre-right Conservati­ve Party late on Monday.

The front pages of Leavebacki­ng British newspapers said accepting the amendments would betray the 52 per cent who backed Brexit in the seismic 2016 referendum.

The Daily Express featured the British flag as its front page with the headline: “Ignore the will of the people at your peril.”

“The time has come for our elected representa­tives to decide — are you or are you not the servants of the people?”

The Sun had a front page of British icons including Stonehenge, a fish and chip shop, a London bus and a football, saying “Great Britain or Great Betrayal.”

“Remainer MPs have a simple choice: trust the people of Great Britain... or trigger a shameful betrayal.”

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