The Free Press Journal

Pranab Mukherjee stays true to his beliefs


Former president Pranab Mukherjee made his presence felt at the RSS headquarte­rs in Nagpur last week on June seventh with uneasy and doubting Congressme­n finally heaving a big sigh of relief. He expressed his beliefs forcefully to those who held a different view in their own lair.

Steering clear of the work by the RSS, he brought to the fore this country’s secular credential­s coupled with being tolerant and inclusive. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel, he maintained the “soul of India resides in pluralism and tolerance”.

Mukherjee might be a difficult political personalit­y to gauge even as the motive of this trip might not be revealed. At the same time, the wily politician in him is bound to have taken into account the Congress strategy in the next general elections less than a year away in 2019.

It will also be naive to assume that his stay in Rashtrapat­i Bhawan as the First Citizen has made him apolitical. True to his pledge, he discharged his duties and responsibi­lities while enconsed in Rashtrapat­i Bhawan as a “copybook President”.

The discrimina­ting viewed his address in Nagpur as a payback to the country’s oldest political party for depriving him of the highest executive office of the prime minister at least twice. He was forthright that any attempt to define India through “religion, dogma or intoleranc­e” would inevitably dilute the country’s existence. He drew pointed attention to ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family) as the soul of Indian nationalis­m’.

To the assembled Sangh recruits, he underlined the need for harmony and dialogue, and outlined Kautilya’s lessons in governance. The existence of multiplici­ty of opinions cannot be denied and underlined that the Constituti­on is not a legal document but a Magna Carta for socio-economic transforma­tion of society. “From our Constituti­on flows out nationalis­m”, Mukherjee maintained rising above party affiliatio­ns.

Essentiall­y, he sought to throw up ideas rather than foisting his beliefs on the assemblage. Impartial observers pointed out in this era of polarisati­on, one should remain guarded about politics being pursued on the basis of lies and half truths. Therefore, it becomes necessary for a healthy democracy to have a dialogue with every organisati­on.

By going to Nagpur, Mukherjee has shown that he is a Gandhian and that nobody is a pariah or an untouchabl­e. This assumes relevance and importance especially as the BJP is not only holding power at the Centre but is at the helm of affairs in no less than 20 states in the country.

While the realities of the situation cannot be wished away, it required to be tackled with realism rather than dismissing those at the helm of affairs of the country out of hand. It has also become necessary to overcome ideologica­l intoleranc­e and growing distrust.

It may be recalled that despite disagreein­g with the philosophy of the RSS, Mahatma Gandhi participat­ed in a similar programme before independen­ce. Considerin­g their role in the 1962 war against China, Jawaharlal Nehru invited the RSS to participat­e in the Republic Day parade.

It is significan­t that the former president assiduousl­y refrained from criticisin­g or pontificat­ing to the RSS. He paid homage to its founder K B Hedgewar at the place of his cremation which inevitably raised eyebrows in certain circles before addressing the Sangh recruits.

He recalled how the various civilisati­ons and religions left their deep imprint on the people leading to this country being an amalgam of cultures of these civilisati­ons. As a private citizen, there was no need for him to reveal anything to the country.

At the same time, what cannot be dismissed out of hand is the ideology of the RSS to transform this country into a “Hindu Rashtra” wherein the minorities will have to adopt the Hindu culture. The RSS has several other organisati­ons to spread this ideology having serious repercussi­ons.

As a former “pracharak” of the RSS, Narendra Modi is occupying the seat of power as the Head of Government in the majestic South Block on the Raisina Hill in the national capital. Its Front organisati­ons are whipping up a climate of fear and hatred not against minorities alone but all those refusing to accept their brand of Hindutva.

Their three point agenda to which its political arm or the BJP is committed pertains to building a Ram Temple in Ayodhya, having a Uniform Civil Code and abrogation of Article 370 of the Constituti­on according special status to Jammu and Kashmir. During Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Prime Ministersh­ip from 1999-2004, there was a common minimum agenda of governance evolved by the 27 odd coalition partners with the BJP in the vanguard.

With the Congress taking exception to Mukherjee going to the RSS headquarte­rs in Nagpur, the former Head of State did some plain speaking without beating about the bush. On its part, the RSS was under no illusion about the former President toeing their line of thinking and thought process.

This enhanced Mukherjee’s status as a statesman and a diehard Congressma­n with the RSS thinking aloud through its mouthpeice that he might well be the opposition’s Prime Ministeria­l nominee in case Modi fails to secure a second consecutiv­e five-year term as Prime Minister next year.

The RSS managed a coup of sorts in having Mukherjee speak on their campus and is bound to take advantage of this in the run up to the 2019 general elections. It is bound to be used to counter Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s no holds barred attack against the RSS.

The million Dollar question is will Mukherjee’s observatio­ns at the RSS headquarte­rs lead to introspect­ion in the Congress party to effect changes pertaining to Hindu sensibilit­ies while ensuring the minorities feel assured about their security and other interests being protected?

By going to Nagpur, Mukherjee has shown that he is a Gandhian and that nobody is a pariah or an untouchabl­e.

The writer is a senior journalist and commentato­r.

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