The Free Press Journal

Your aggressive tone can reveal a lot about you!

According to a study, opponents can gauge your size and strength just by listening to the level of aggression in the voice


The aggression in your tone can help the listener determine how strong or weak, tall or short you are than them, with a high degree of accuracy, a study has found. While many animals — including sea lions, red deer, and dogs — have the ability to judge their competitor through hearing their vocalisati­ons, researcher­s found that humans can also use nonverbal vocal cues, including aggressive roars, to judge one another’s size and physical formidabil­ity.

“When other animals produce vocalisati­ons, they’re doing so for a reason — they’re communicat­ing informatio­n about themselves, be it physical condition or internal state,” said Jordan Raine from Britain’s University of Sussex.

For the study, the team measured the upper-body strength and height of men and women and recorded them producing aggressive roars and aggressive speech sentences.

The findings, reported in the journal iScience, showed that men could correctly determine whether a stranger was physically stronger than themselves 88 per cent of the time when listening to a clip of someone roaring.

On the other hand, women tended to overestima­te the strength of a man in a recording, compared to audio clips of female speakers with a similar level of strength. “Previous investigat­ions have found that humans can estimate height and strength from the voice, but that they don’t do it very well,” Raine said.

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