The Free Press Journal

Was he kicked by person or did another train ram into him from behind?


A 46-year-old gangman’s ‘sudden’ death on Wednesday morning between two moving trains at Lower Parel station, has turned out to be a big ‘mystery.’ It is so because there are two separate and instead ‘surprising’ versions behind his death, who was standing between two moving trains with eight of his colleagues.

The team of nine gangmen had been on the tracks, which is part of their usual work of inspecting the railway tracks and repairing it simultaneo­usly. The deceased – Shravan Sanap – was on the tracks with his colleagues and stood between the two trains, which were moving in two separate directions.

It may be noted that gangmen often face such a situation and they use the narrow gap between two tracks to avoid being crushed under the train.

The mystery over his death is that the Western Railways (WR) claim a ‘commuter’ kicked Sanap causing him to fall on the other train.

“According to our preliminar­y enquiry, we have found that one commuter kicked Sanap. The kick caused him to fall on the metal stairs of the train moving from his front side. The gangman sustained severe injuries on his head and was rushed to Nair hospital. He was declared brought dead by the hospital authoritie­s,” said a senior official.

“We will further probe the matter and ascertain the exact cause of his fall and then death,” the official added.

The second version of Sanap’s death story is further ‘surprising.’ A motorman, who is said to have got his statements recorded with the Government Railway Police, has given an altogether separate version of the incident.

“Except Sanap, all other gangmen were sitting on the narrow gap between both the trains. He almost got tossed to the train moving from his front side and got hurt by the metal stairs. He got tossed after getting a thrust from the train moving from behind,” the motorman, has claimed before the GRP.

It may be noted that gangmen often face such a situation and they use the narrow gap between two tracks to avoid being crushed under the train

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