The Free Press Journal

I pretended it didn’t happen: Nuns


Revelation­s that a prominent US cardinal sexually abused and harassed his adult seminarian­s have exposed an egregious abuse of power that has shocked Catholics on both sides of the Atlantic. But the Vatican has long been aware of its heterosexu­al equivalent — the sexual abuse of nuns by priests and bishops — and done little to stop it, an Associated Press analysis has found.

An examinatio­n by the AP shows cases of abused nuns have emerged in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia, demonstrat­ing that the problem is global and pervasive, thanks to the sisters’ second-class status in the church and their ingrained subservien­ce to the men who run it.

Yet some nuns are now finding their voices, buoyed by the #MeToo movement

and the growing recognitio­n that even adults can be victims of sexual abuse when there is an imbalance of power in a relationsh­ip.

The sisters are going public in part to denounce years of inaction by church leaders, even after major studies on the problem in Africa were reported to the Vatican in the 1990s. “It opened a great wound inside of me,” one nun said.

“I pretended it didn’t happen.” Wearing a full religious habit and clutching her rosary, the woman broke nearly two decades of silence to tell AP about the moment in 2000 when the priest to whom she was confessing her sins forced himself on her, mid-sacrament.

The assault led her to stop going to confession with any priest other than her spiritual father, who lives in a different country. The extent of the abuse of nuns is unclear, at least outside the Vatican. However, this week, about half a dozen sisters in a small religious congregati­on in Chile went public on national tv with their stories of abuse by priests and other nuns — and how their superiors did nothing to stop it.

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