The Free Press Journal

‘There’s no pride in being a workaholic’

Ravikant Sabnavis, Executive Vice President and General Manager at Star Pravah, speaks to SHIKHA JAIN on how he keeps stress at bay and stays rejuvenate­d


Do you believe in a work-life balance concept? Why is it important?

Absolutely. I enjoy my work, and like all of us who do, I tend to bring it home with me in my head. Phone calls spill over, deadlines loom large and can be stressful. However, it is at these times that I believe I need to make a hard stop, draw back, and engage in activities that reenergise me. All these help me balance out and perform better at work, and be a happier person overall.

How do you manage to create a balance in your life?

First off, I get an early start because I am an early riser. I also find that my morning exercise routine, whether at the gym, or doing yoga, or just a brisk walk – or even a round of golf on a holiday is a must at the start of my day. I also spend some time organising my day ahead, so I can minimise time wasted and can optimise my working hours. Finally, I try to work efficientl­y, so my team and I can leave at a reasonable time as to be able to spend time with family every day. We also make it a point to meet with friends often – and this is a great way for me to relax as well.

How do you keep stress at bay?

I try to stave off stress by keeping things in perspectiv­e at all times. I have found that detaching myself for a few moments – either by taking a short walk, or even just spending a few moments thinking is a great way to do this. I have also been practising yoga for several years, which helps me stay equanimous and calm.

What is that one thing that makes you feel rejuvenate­d at the end of a busy day?

I find that a great workout keeps me going until the end of the day – and days when I miss it are markedly more exhausting. But perhaps, the most relaxing activity that I pursue is sailing. I learnt to sail a few years ago, and I usually sail for a couple of hours over the weekend. This helps me completely relax and rejuvenate myself.

What tips would you like to give to readers to strike a work-life balance?

There is no pride in being a workaholic. Tell yourself that you are not indispensa­ble, and learn to head out of the office by a decent hour, so that you can spend time with yourself or your family and friends.

Do you think everyone should have a hobby and nurture it despite the odds?

I think everyone must nurture a hobby – that is, simply doing something for its own sake, when one is truly oneself. Hobbies are wonderful distractio­ns and interludes in our otherwise stressful lives.

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