The Free Press Journal

Running With Tigers

Two avid tiger lovers share their experience­s of shooting the regal cat


WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES: “The faint chill in the air on the early morning drive of September 8, 2016, hinted towards the impending winters, while the lush green washed foliage signalled the departure of monsoons. No better time to be in the forest! Ten minutes into the drive we observed scores of herbivores merrily grazing along the way with an occasional sounder of wild pigs alongside startled newborns in tow. To our gleeful surprise, we came across a pair of courting wild dogs on the road alongside a depleting rivulet. Oblivious of their surroundin­gs, the usually vigilant dholes were mindless of not only our presence but also of something else that lurked nearby.

“Whilst trying to capture this unique animal behaviour, we noticed a slight flutter in the grass ahead. As if almost on cue, the hair on my back stood up in rhythmic excitement as the reality of the situation dawned upon me. I was sure I saw stripes. Camouflage­d perfectly, she lay silently waiting for the unsuspecti­ng couple to move into striking distance. With shivering hands and fervent anticipati­on, I hurriedly set up my camera to record this remarkable natural history moment that was about to unfold in front of my eyes. What happened next was going to be etched in our memories forever. Synonymous to a lightning strike, the tigress leaped towards the ill-fated dog with unbridled fury. A fraction of a second and a paw swipe later, she delivered a deathly bite to the dhole’s jugular.

“Maya’s face drenched in blood, mouth moving in a periodic panting motion, the tigress’ eyes peered feverishly for the fortunate male who escaped within an inch of his life. Truly Darwinian in nature, the unrelentin­g laws of the wild gave us a reality check and reaffirmed our belief in its unpredicta­bility.”

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Internatio­nal Tiger Day

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