The Free Press Journal

Ladies first


It is argued that allowing women into the Sabarimala temple is in violation of the tenets of the religion and the long-standing religious practices followed. It is claimed the entry of women into the sanctum sanctorum would spoil the sanctity of the temple. It is also advocated that it is not right to see every issue through the lens of the Constituti­on. One should understand that all the quoted tenets, including the one restrictin­g entry of women into the Sabarimala temple, have only been scripted by humans and not by the deity per se and as such, cannot be flawless, as to err is human. The adage, ’Mata, Pita, Guru, Deivam’ has rightly placed the order in which one should offer reverence, the meaning of which is the greatest truth. As per Hindu mythology, when

Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati received a mango and their children Ganesa and Karthikeya both staked claim to the fruit, their parents told them the one who went around the world and came back first would get the fruit. Ganesa went around his parents and claimed the prize, saying his world revolved around his parents, and rightly too. From this, it is clear that even God prefers to take the backseat when it comes to mothers (women), without whom there is no humanity. Under the circumstan­ces, it is not necessary we should follow the dictates of the court to allow women into the Sabarimala temples but only follow the example sketched out by Ganesa, first God of the Hindu brethren and the old adage spelled out by our elders quoted above. –Tharcius S.Fernando

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