The Free Press Journal

ARC Cheetahs, Otters Rockets to clash in semis


Andheri Recreation Club team ARC ‘Cheetahs’ and Otters Club side Otters ‘Rockets’, both scored identical hard-fought 3-2 wins to set up a clash in the semi-final round of the Otters Club BSAM Mumbai Z3Snooker League 2018, at Otters Club Billiards Room.

ARC Cheetahs quelled the spirited fight back from Radio Club’s outfit Radio ‘Fusion’ in a tense quarter-final encounter which went the distance.

On the side table, hosts and defending champions Otters Club ‘Rockets’ beat back the challenge from Bombay Gymkhana’s BG ‘Phantoms in another quarter-final contest which witnessed an absorbing battle for supremacy.

The Andheri side got off to flying start and raced to a 2-0 lead as their doubles combinatio­n of Tarun Kalra and Akshay Vasani (+33 handicap) defeated the Radio Club team of Anuj Mahajan and Neville Razmi 72-49 in the 9red doubles, first frame.

Later, ARC skipper Karan Anand (+20) increased the lead when he recovered to pull off a narrow win against Rayaan Razmi (+25) by a close 84-80 scoreline in the 15-red singles, second frame.

Radio Club’s 13-year-old wonder kid Shahyan Razmi halted the Cheetahs charge to victory.

As usual Shahyan (+35) potted freely and with a neat run of 26 sidelined Om Sawant (+40) by a comfortabl­e 108-55 margin in the third frame.

Later, Shahyan’s elder brother Rayaan (+25) brought Radio Club back into the match by pocketing the fourth frame. Rayaan constructe­d a brilliant 33 effort to overcome Karan Anand 83-70 and level the match scores and force the decider.

Shahyan (+35) returned to play the fifth frame against Akshay Vasani (+55), but he was not his usual self and looked to be a bit jaded. His concentrat­ion seemed to have wavered and it affected his potting.

The youngster, started well and with tiny efforts managed to reduce the 20 points handicap and managed to draw level at 60-all.

But his lack of experience and poor safety play saw Vasani capitalize on every opportunit­y to build small tidy breaks and swell his lead and take the match away from the youngster and seal Cheetahs victory.

Meanwhile, Rishabh Thakkar played a key role in Otters Club success. He along with skipper Zenul Arsiwala won the doubles frame and then clinched the deciding fifth frame against Nitesh Madan to complete the win for Otters ‘Rockets’ and take them a step closer towards the defense of their title.


Quarter-finals: ARC Cheetahs beat Radio Fusion 3-2 (Tarun Kalra/Akshay Vasani (+33) bt Anuj Mahajan/Neville Razmi (+24) 72-49, Karan Anand (+20) bt Rayaan Razmi (+25) 84-80, Om Sawant (+40) lost Shahyan Razmi (+35) 55-108, Karan Anand (+20) lost Rayaan Razmi (+25) 70-83, Akshay Vasani (+55) bt Shahyan Razmi (+35) 93-62).

Otters Rockets beat BG Phantoms 3-2 (Nabil Lakdawala (+30) bt Laxman Rawat (scr) 85-31, Abhimanyu Gandhi (+10) lost Nitesh Madan (+15) 62-75, Rishabh Thakkar/Zenul Arsiwala (+18) bt Marzdi Kalyaniwal­a/Abhishek Bajaj (+17) 59-35, Abhimanyu Gandhi (+10) lost Laxman Rawat (scr) 24-68, Rishabh Thakkar (+20) bt Nitesh Madan (+15) 84-46).

 ??  ?? Akshay Vasani
Akshay Vasani

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