The Free Press Journal

An Omnipresen­t God

— Sadhguru, Isha Foundation


Why creation? There is really no such thing as creation. Nothing is created it is simply energies dancing in different forms. It is not that god is sitting and creating something. Energy is life. If it were not dynamic, this energy would have been static without anything happening. But this energy is life so it would be always taking innumerabl­e forms. It invariably happens. Even if a flame is burning, it is taking on many forms every moment because any dynamic energy cannot be just kept. It is always taking on forms all the time. They are appearing and disappeari­ng, always changing. Why? There is really no ‘why’ to it. That is how it is. This is existence and it is the whole. You cannot ask why, your why is a very limited why. You cannot ask an unlimited why because what you call creation is an unlimited phenomenon. So this limited why is a meaningles­s question.

Any question about existence is simply meaningles­s because all questions are limited. All questions are framed from the limited logical mind but you are talking about the unlimited. So questions about creation are meaningles­s. So are the answers – equally meaningles­s. There is no ‘why’ creation. It is just there. That is all. Neither can your question hold it nor can my answer hold it. Whenever you ask or say anything about the existence, it is absolutely meaningles­s and it is just your nonsense.

It has got nothing to do with the creation as such. I may think creation is like this and another person may think creation is like that. It has got nothing to do with the creation itself. It is simply there. You are just a part of the dance, a miniscule part of the dance. Now the question is do you want to be a part of the creation, continue to be a part of the creation always, or do you want to become the creator? When a person is no more satisfied being a part of the creation, when experienci­ng the action is not enough for him, when he wants to experience the Creator, that is the whole path of yoga or spirituali­ty or whatever you want to call it. When you are no more willing to settle for creation, you want the creator, the very source of the creation, now you are on the spiritual path. If you are happy with the creation and are willing to settle with it, you are materialis­tic. If you want the creator himself, then you are spiritual.

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