The Free Press Journal

India third Asian nation to get STA-1 status from US

This Notificati­on paves way for high-tech sales in civil space, defence sectors


India has become the third Asian country after Japan and South Korea to get the Strategic Trade Authorisat­ion-1 (STA-1) status after the US issued a federal notificati­on to this effect, paving the way for high-technology product sales to New Delhi, particular­ly in civil space and defence sectors. India is the 37th country to be designated the STA-1 status by the United States.

The federal notificati­on, issued on Friday, gains significan­ce as the Trump Administra­tion made an exception for India, which is yet to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Traditiona­lly, US has placed only those countries in the STA-1 list who are members of the four export control regimes: Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Wassenaar Arrangemen­t (WA), Australia Group (AG) and the NSG.

In its federal notificati­on, the Trump Administra­tion notes that India is a member of three of the four multilater­al export regimes. Mainly because of the political opposition from China, India's membership applicatio­n has been pending before NSG, which takes decision by consensus. By placing India in the STA-1 list, the United States has acknowledg­ed that for all practical purposes India adheres to the export control regimes of the NSG.

This exception for New Delhi is intended to send a strong political message to China and the world, taking into account that America's closest ally Israel is yet to be given this status, primarily because it is not a member of these multilater­al export control regimes.

"This action befits India's status as a Major Defence Partner and recognises" the country's membership in three of the four export control regimes -- the MTCR, WA

and AG, the federal notificati­on said.

India so far was listed in STA-2 category along with Albania, Hong Kong, Israel, Malta, Singapore, South Africa and Taiwan.

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