The Free Press Journal

Working it out


I completed my studies in the US last year and returned straight after graduation. I then took three months off to just get back on tracks at the home front. I joined a workplace which gave me stable income and a routine. However, the job scenario is not to my liking, as I am very used to the US way of working. I get into arguments over petty issues with my colleagues and this bothers me. I like the work profile, but can’t seem to adjust well.

The contrast in your work scenario is quite stark as per your descriptio­n of the current situation. Few things from your end need to be very clear in order to function well at the workplace. To start with, figure out what are those specific things that you dislike about workplace, once you have narrowed it down move to the possibilit­ies of resolving those which can be, you will now be left with those which are either too difficult or impossible to change or resolve. These are the deciding factors, at any point you feel that, because of these factors your work ethics are compromise­d, you can always look for an alternativ­e. However, if these disliked factors are merely based on personal feelings, then working around them is essential. Thus, striking a balance for yourself.


I am a multitalen­ted person who has degrees in various fields, and I am unsure as to how do I go about it. I am a certified yoga instructor, a dancer, a teacher in a pre-primary school and a lawyer. I don’t know which degree to choose to make my career as I am interested in all the said fields. I have been very tensed and stressed due to this reason and it is affecting my current job.

You have experience in various fields and they seem to be inter-connected at some point. Your confusion is stemming from the fact that in an isolated manner they all seem very different to each other. However, if you could put in a thought to combining all your knowledge, there could be a possibilit­y of utilising all your skills simultaneo­usly. For instance, organising yoga camp in the school that you teach for students, parents and staff members could be a start, then bringing in dance into your teaching routine could also be an option. Possibilit­ies are plenty, just broaden your perception and make the most of the opportunit­ies that arise.

I was employed in a firm at a very good post for the past six years. Recently, with reshufflin­g at the firm I have been denied my long due promotion. I feel stifled and very restrictiv­e as there is no positive movement in my job profile. I really need something to look forward to as I can’t make myself to go to job every day. I am very disappoint­ed that I didn’t get the promotion and it is eating me inside.

The insight about your feelings is essential as this knowledge can help channelise your emotions in a productive manner. Your job scene could be made better by looking at other work opportunit­ies if you see no growth in the current firm. The shift is essential if you are struggling each day to make it to work. If changing job isn’t a possibilit­y at the moment, then avoiding the constant influence of the feelings such as disappoint­ment and resentment is essential. As long as you let these feelings be fueled by constant reminder of what you didn’t receive, the difficulty to reach work and actually work will keep increasing.


I am a 22-year-old mass media graduate. I recently joined an internship program which has few of my batch mates as well. Now, the scene is such that these batch mates are the people who would plagiarize and get their work done. This is happening at the internship place as well and causing a great deal of issues. Now since I am also new, the seniors get a reflection of us all as being lazy. How do I deal with this? At a given new place building rapport is the first step towards establishi­ng a cordial equation. Thus, channelise your efforts towards building a rapport with your seniors that is based on honest work. Just because they are functionin­g with a biased view towards your batch mates and now co-workers, doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let that judgement affect your learning process. You are in the program to learn and gain experience, the sooner you demonstrat­e this to your seniors the sooner they will start looking at you and your work independen­tly. Here exposing your co-workers for plagiarism and defending yourself wouldn’t work as how others are making use of their learning is independen­t of you. Thus, focus on how you want to make this internship count for you and work accordingl­y. Dr Anjali Chhabria, http://anjalichha­ MINDTEMPLE


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