The Free Press Journal

Happiness is Within You

— Teresa King


Have you ever wondered why some people wake up in the morning as chirpy as the busy birds outside the window, while others wake up grumpy. Ever wondered why some people seem happy almost all the time, while others always appear withdrawn, sad, depressed or even bitter?

Do you see the glass as half full, or do you see it as half empty? Is the sun bright and beautiful or is it hot and miserable? Does the rain falling day after day drag yours spirits down, or do you ever look at the beauty of the rain?

Without cold, there would be nothing like warm. Without noise, we would not have any idea of the beauty of silence.

Your attitude and how you perceive things are the keys to your own happiness. If you are feeling overwhelme­d by a situation in life, rather than sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, begin to think positively. Find something that you can learn and gain from the situation. A death in the family is a tragic thing. But, look around you and find out if the death has not brought the rest of the family together for grieving and for giving each other emotional support. Didn’t death bring everyone closer to each other and make them talk about memories of their loved ones?

Your attitude should be to wake up in the morning, smile in the mirror, welcome each day with the love you would give your precious child and savour the day. When things are down, turn them around. When things are happy, pile that happy time, into your mind, where you can pull it out anytime you need a bit of cheering up. Embrace life and be grateful for the little things in life.

Your attitude should not be to fixate on small things. Look at the larger scale. It is amazing that in a true crisis, you can rise up to the challenge, but it is always the last little small thing that throws people off into an angry fit. Remember, many people who are born blessed with good health and money are not happy. And, many people who have suffered and struggled are the happiest of all. It all depends on how you look at it. So, keep your chin up, and try to find the bright side to every situation that life throws you, for inside yourself lies true happiness.

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