The Free Press Journal

Even small amount of cannabis can alter brain


Using even a small amount of cannabis may cause changes in the brain volume of teenagers, according to a study.

The study, published in The Journal of Neuroscien­ce, is the first to find evidence that an increase in grey matter volume in certain parts of the adolescent brain is a likely consequenc­e of low-level marijuana use.

Few studies have looked at the effects of the first few uses of a drug, said Hugh Garavan, a professor at the University of Vermont (UVM) in the US.

Most researcher­s focus on heavy marijuana users later in life and compare them against non-users. These new findings identify an important new area of focus.

"Consuming just one or two joints seems to change grey matter volumes in these young adolescent­s," Garavan said.

The study included 46 children who reported having used cannabis once or twice by age 14.

Their brains showed more grey matter volume in areas where cannabis binds, known as cannabinoi­d receptors, compared to the children who did not use the drug.

The biggest difference­s in grey matter were in the amygdala, which is involved in fear and other emotion-related processes, and in the hippocampu­s, involved in memory developmen­t and spatial abilities.

The researcher­s ruled out the likelihood that the cannabis-using kids had pre-existing difference­s in grey matter thickness or that they had specific personalit­y traits that might correlate with the difference in brain makeup.

“The implicatio­n is that this is potentiall­y a consequenc­e of cannabis use,” Garavan said.

“You are changing your brain with just one or two joints. Most people would likely assume that one or two joints would have no impact on the brain," he said.

The major difference­s in grey matter were involved in fear and other emotion-related processes, and in the memory developmen­t and spatial abilities.

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