The Free Press Journal

Woman opts for ‘Chicken Dinner’ with PUBG mate over family


Online game PUBG (PlayerUnkn­own Battlegrou­nd) has taken the world by storm and has spawned myriad situations and new highs in addiction.

Now take the recent case of this Ahmedabad woman, 19 and married with a year-old baby, who wants divorce from her husband, not because of any domestic feud, but because of her immense indulgence in PUBG.

The case came to light when she called the 181 Abhayam women helpline seeking help to get divorce.

However, she did not mention this in the first place. She wanted to be lodged at a women's observatio­n home, so that she could play ‘Chicken Dinner’ with her gaming partner.

"The girl called 181 and told us that she wants to be at a women's observatio­n home as it is not working out with her husband nor she wanted to go to her parents' home as they had taken away her cell phone," says Falguni Patel, Coordinato­r at Abhayam.

"When we told her that she won't be allowed to use her phone or to go out from observatio­n home since it is supposed to be for the protection of women, she dropped the idea. Then she sought help to reach her friend, who she revealed much later during the counsellin­g session, was her PUBG partner," Falguni said.

Her husband did not like her obsession with the game and refused to let her play, which caused tension between them and she decided to leave husband and went to her parents. Even they didn't like her addiction and took away her mobile phone.

Patel said the counsellor­s explained to her not to take such crucial decisions in a rush, just for the sake of a game as her marriage of two years, as well as the life of her child, was at stake.

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