The Free Press Journal

Running life and mental peace

- — By Ritesh Rawal

Today, we all are living our lives with multiple distractio­ns knocking at our doors. These distractio­ns can be as simple as a random unnecessar­y phone call from a sales executive while we are in the middle of doing an important task. These simple and complex distractio­ns have become very common in our lives and we are constantly fighting to deal with these distractio­ns so that we can achieve our goals and enjoy life with mental peace. It is this need to “fight” the distractio­ns that cause stress, anxiety and other uneasiness in out mental peace. Another problem commonly affecting people’s mental health is the thoughts like “If I could have done this, it would have been better.” and similar thoughts. You must first analyse if these are really your thoughts or if these thoughts are influenced by external elements. In most cases, these thoughts are influenced by external elements causing harm to our positive thinking and approach.

We can never control the distractio­ns that come our way but we can definitely change our way of approachin­g or dealing with the distractio­ns. In order to regain our mental peace, we need to constantly take a few hours to meditate or simply relax without allowing any external forces to hamper our natural flow of thoughts and positive affirmatio­ns. If not for a few hours, one can start by spending only 1520 minutes initially. This time will give you the power, and the mental capacity to address the life situations in a better way with a calm mind. It is only a calm mind that can overcome any situation and in order to achieve the ability to maintain calmness, one must spend time looking inside, breathing, and relaxing.

Remember, you cannot control the events in your life but you can only control yourself by recharging yourself with the power of meditation, positive affirmatio­ns and doing things that make your soul happy.

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