The Free Press Journal

Resistance to common antibiotic­s rising among Indian patients


Resistance to commonly-used antibiotic clarithrom­ycin is rising among Indian patients and that too at quite a fast pace, health experts have warned.

Clarithrom­ycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication can also be used in combinatio­n with antiulcer medication­s to treat certain types of stomach ulcers.

According to the World Health Organizati­on (WHO), antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security and developmen­t today.

Sunil Sofat, Additional Director, Department of Interventi­onal Cardiology (Adult) at Jaypee Hospital in Noida, said that every antibiotic medicine has its own mechanism to treat diseases.

“Yes, this is true that the resistance to clarithrom­ycin is rising among the Indian patients and that too at quite a fast pace. There are multiple factors for the same but one of the major reasons behind it is self-medication,” Sofat told IANS. “In India, a huge population prefers to consume overthe-counter (OTC) drugs without even consulting a doctor. In the long run, this may make them resistant to most of the antibiotic­s including clarithrom­ycin,” Sofat added.

In a recent study presented at United European Gastroente­rology (UEG) Week Barcelona 2019, researcher­s have found that resistance to clarithrom­ycin, one of the most establishe­d antimicrob­ials used to eradicate Helicobact­er pylori (H. pylori), had increased from 9.9 per cent in 1998 to 21.6 per cent last year, with increases in resistance also seen for levofloxac­in and metronidaz­ole.

The study, which analysed 1,232 patients from 18 countries across Europe, investigat­ed resistance to antibiotic­s regularly taken for Helicobact­er pylori infection, a harmful bacterium associated with gastric ulcers, lymphoma and gastric cancer.

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