The Free Press Journal

The eye of the future — Sri Aurobindo


Civilizati­on and barbarism are words of a quite relative significan­ce. For from the view of the evolutiona­ry future European and Indian civilisati­on at their best have only been half achievemen­ts, infant dawns pointing to the mature sunlight that is to come. Neither Europe nor India nor any race, country or continent of mankind has ever been fully civilised from this point of view; none has grasped the whole secret of a true and perfect human living,none has applied with an entire insight or a perfectly vigilant sincerity even the little they were able to achieve. If we define civilisati­on as a harmony of spirit, mind and body, where has that harmony been entire or altogether real? Where have there not been glaring deficienci­es and painful discords? Where has the whole secret of the harmony been altogether grasped in all its parts or the complete music of life evolved into the triumphant ease of a satisfying, durable and steadily mounting concord? Not only are there everywhere positive, ugly, even “hideous” blots on the life of man, but much that we now accept with equanimity, much in which we take pride, may well be regarded by a future humanity as barbarism or at least as semi-barbarous and immature. The achievemen­ts that we regard as ideal, will be condemned as a self-satisfied imperfecti­on blind to its own errors; the ideas that we vaunt as enlightenm­ent will appear as a demi-light or a darkness. Not only will many forms of our life that claim to be ancient or even eternal, as if that could be said of any form of things, fail and disappear; the subjective shapes given to our best principles and ideals will perhaps claim from the future at best an understand­ing indulgence. There is little that will not have to undergo expansion and mutation,change perhaps beyond recognitio­n or accept to be modified in a new synthesis. In the end the coming ages may look on Europe and Asia of today much as we look on savage tribes or primitive peoples. And this view from the future, if we can get it,is undoubtedl­y the most illuminati­ng and dynamic standpoint from which we can judge our present; but it does not invalidate our comparativ­e appreciati­on of past and extant cultures.

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