The Free Press Journal

Live alone

— Grand Master Akshar, Yoga Master & Spiritual Guide


How does the thought of living alone in this world sound to you? To most people, it would probably give them a huge sense of relief. While some others may wonder if the world was made for this purpose? Living alone is not an arbitrary philosophy or thought. As per the practices of mountains- the great Himalayas, there is a purpose for which you must live alone. The purpose is to prepare yourself. There is a lot of learning to be found through living by oneself. You will gain certain powers, you will gain an understand­ing of life, your mind will open itself up to different perspectiv­es of your life and, there will be a greater acceptance of this existence. Once you are equipped with these powers, you will be changed forever. You will find that even though you are with people, you are able to enjoy the contentmen­t of solitude. Despite being in a crowded room full of people you know, you will possess a sense of aloofness and detachment from the rest.

For a better understand­ing, we can take the example of a lotus plant. The person who experience­s this will live life like the lotus. The lotus effect is the ability of its leaves for self-cleaning. In this way, the lotus is almost waterproof, it does not allow water droplets to stick to it. Similarly, we can belong in this world without succumbing to its ways but rather still be independen­t of it. Living alone enables us to enjoy our own company even while being in the middle of a crowd. To achieve this quality, go to a secluded place and live by yourself for some time. Or, you could go to a Master who will prepare you with all the attributes that can help you lead a successful life here. Having gained this knowledge, you can then return to the world to enjoy it with a better sense of balance and inner joy.

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