The Free Press Journal

Sena-BJP worried about who will be the next CM: Cong-NCP

‘They are least bothered about the farmers’


Nationalis­t Congress Party (NCP) legislator Ajit Pawar on Tuesday stated, the Shiv Sena and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are worried about who the next Chief Minister will be, instead of showing concern to the rain-affected farmers of Maharashtr­a.

“Sena and BJP are busy fighting among themselves, instead of taking measures to form the government at the earliest. What they don’t understand is that the loss of farmers means loss of the state and country,” said Pawar on Tuesday.

Pawar along with NCP legislator, Jitendra Ahwad and President of Maharashtr­a Congress unit Balasaheb Thorat met Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari to discuss the issues farmers of the state are facing due to the heavy rainfall in Maharashtr­a.

“We have come to the Governor because the government has failed to stand beside the farmers. Farmers have also complained, the insurance companies are not helping them either,” added Pawar.

He also mentioned, the CongressNC­P alliance doesn’t have the numbers to form the government, yet they are leaving no stone unturned to raise the farmer’s issue.

Pawar further informed, the crop insurance companies have not paid the farmers their due from the last year till now. He advised, the government needs to use the funds kept on fixed deposits instead of waiting for the insurance money.

Echoing Pawar’s statement, Congress

president Balasaheb Thorat asserted, the opposition won’t tolerate if the government doesn’t take immediate action.

“The opposition will dethrone the government, if it doesn’t take the farmer issues seriously,” said Thorat.

Earlier on Tuesday afternoon, BJP politician Vinod Tawde also visited the Governor at Raj Bhavan.

Taking a jibe at Tawde, Legislator Jitendra Ahwad stated, Tawde has no relevance in the political scenario of Maharashtr­a and his actions should not be taken seriously.

“Tawde was denied ticket by his own party, his actions are irrelevant. He must have visited Raj Bhavan to see how it actually looks in real,” mocked Ahwad.

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