The Free Press Journal

Duo held for robbing ST driver


Crime Branch unit 7 has arrested two persons for robbing a State Transport (ST) driver. The accused assaulted the ST driver and took his ATM card, the pin number and withdrew Rs 18,000 from his account. The accused have been identified as Sakaram alias Adesh Tatkare, 35 and Balu Pote, 37.

On October 10, the ST driver, Vijay Fadatare, was walking near Ghatkopar railway station when a man suddenly appeared in front of him and snatched Fadatare’s mobile phone. The man then took Fadatare to a car in which three people were sitting, who claimed to be policemen. They asked Fadatare to sit in the car as he was to be taken to Ghatkopar police station.

Inside the car, Fadatare was assaulted by the trio, who snatched his gold chain and also took away his ATM card and beat him to get his pin number, afterwhich they withdrew Rs 18,000 from his account. Fadatare was then thrown out of the car as the accused fled in the car. Fadatare then went to Ghatkopar police station and registered an offence under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections of robbery (392), abduction (365) and personatin­g a public servant (170).

During the investigat­ion, Crime Branch unit 7, received informatio­n about the accused and arrested Sakaram and Pote from Sanjay Nagar in Vikhroli. According to the Crime Branch, Sakaram has two previous cases registered against him. The duo was handed over to Ghatkopar police station for further investigat­ion.

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