The Free Press Journal

Crux issues Modi govt must zero in on


The euphoria over getting an overwhelmi­ng voter mandate must not cloud the Modi government’s thinking on its unfinished agenda. Yes, the Opposition was virtually decimated in the Lok Sabha polls. But today’s voter is perpetuall­y on the watch and any show of arrogance of power is squarely rebuffed.

Amid all the positives at hand, there is no mistaking the fact that there are two crucial areas of non-fulfilment which need to be tackled post haste.

There is the need to re-energise the economy which has been sluggish for quite a while though there is nothing like the recession that some countries are facing or are slipping into. The growth rate is a cause of worry and demand is not picking up. Exports continue to be sluggish and unemployme­nt is rampant. But while some of these are transient and are fuelled by internatio­nal factors over which we have no control, the economy needs to be handled better.

At the same time there is the scourge of environmen­tal pollution which plagues the country, especially the bigger cities, as the government­s at the Centre and in states live for the moment with scarcely a thought for the coming generation­s. Industrial production is stagnating, new investment is hardly coming in and there is a sense of gloom on the employment front. Some of these slowdown features are there to varying degrees in many other countries too but with an Opposition that has been rendered ineffectiv­e and a people who are largely apathetic there is little to cheer.

There is an air of complacenc­y that is none too comforting for a country that still has miles to go. While inflation was an issue in the elections as it naturally should be, there was no thinking or action on environmen­tal pollution, no acute consciousn­ess of the disastrous consequenc­es of overuse of the environmen­t.

The pointers were that though the Indian electorate has matured over the years, there is still lack of understand­ing of bread and butter issues and environmen­tal factors. Politician­s of all hues thrive on raking up petty issues and stir up public sentiments on what should normally be regarded as non-issues. We continue to be languishin­g at the lower end of welfare economic indicators, though the huge population is a contributi­ng factor. Though a growth rate of 5 per cent or above is the envy of many nations in the context of the prevailing conditions, there is so much whipped up disappoint­ment over the declining growth rate that it looks gloomy. Some measures have been taken by the Modi government and some others are on the anvil but the recovery could still take time.

It is just as well that India has drawn away from the regional trade pact under the Regional Comprehens­ive Economic Participat­ion (RCEP) at the recent Bangkok meeting of Asean and of economic bigwigs like Japan, China, South Korea because New Delhi had a USD 105 billion deficit with RCEP countries in 2018-19 which could worsen if these

countries are allowed the benefit of free trade. Indian small scale industry has suffered grievously due to unfair competitio­n from Chinese manufactur­ers who revel in under-cutting to drive local producers to the wall. Thousands have been driven out of work and India can ill afford more workers losing jobs due to Chinese competitio­n. While the fall in export growth is attributab­le to slowdown in many countries India needs to come out of this quagmire sooner than later.

The other area of concern for India is in regard to pollution and failure to protect the environmen­t. After years of steady deteriorat­ion in the air quality in Delhi and its environs and a host of other cities in UP, Haryana and Bihar, some measures are on the anvil now which, if sustained, could bring succour to those facing dark times due to environmen­tal factors.

It is sad indeed that in election after election, protecting the environmen­t is not looked upon as an election issue. Parties are not called to account for the man-made factors which contribute to growing pollution in air, water and through other sources. In the absence of public outcry over such damage to the environmen­t through industrial effluents, indiscrimi­nate deforestat­ion and vehicular emission of toxic gases, there is no pressure on government­s to act on such a vital area of public health and well-being. That climate change, caused largely by rape of the environmen­t, is playing havoc with the weather pattern is a hard reality that we are neglecting. We are indeed bequeathin­g to the future generation­s a frightful legacy. A recent study indicated that the life expectancy of people living in the national capital can be deemed to have been compromise­d by seven years due to environmen­tal conditions. The recurrence of floods in some parts of the country and droughts in some others are pointers to the havoc that ecological damage is doing to the environmen­t.

While the Modi government has some areas of excellence, posterity will judge it also by what this generation bequeaths to the future generation. There cannot be any compromise on maintainin­g the ecological balance as much as it is essential that inflation is kept under check.

The writer is a political commentato­r and columnist. He has authored four books.

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