The Free Press Journal

Purpose of culture

-- By Grand Master Akshar, Spiritual Guide & Yoga Master


Before we begin discussing the importance, purpose or need for culture, let us first try to understand it by its definition. Culture is defined as the ‘characteri­stics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassi­ng language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.’ Originatin­g from the Latin word ‘colere’, culture means to tend to the earth and grow, cultivate and nurture. Why do we need culture?

Culture plays many roles, one being that of a social influencer. You can tell a lot about the culture that a person belongs to based on his/her views, values, humour, hopes, loyalties, and worries and fears. Culture is a strong part of people's lives and vice versa. Culture provides a sense of belongingn­ess that brings people together to celebrate or pray on the shared platform of a common practice or belief. Culture acts as the big glue that binds individual­s together building a sense of ownership, accountabi­lity and unity in the group.

It through our culture that we are able to trace back the origin of our identities. We are able to understand our ancestral values through it. Culture can be credited for giving us the very meaning of life. The diversity of mankind can be neatly organized and categorize­d by way of cultures that exist. It is because of culture that we are able to be unique from other parts of the world. It is ironically the cause for both a connect as well as a disconnect between people and communitie­s.

In addition to its fundamenta­l values, culture provides the society and community with many social and economic benefits. We imbibe the qualities of tolerance, learn different languages, get introduced to new customs, and find opportunit­ies to come together with others. Culture enriches our quality of life and is responsibl­e for increasing the overall well-being for both individual­s and communitie­s.

In spirituali­ty, the purpose of culture is the perfection of a human being. Practices that exist within the realms of yoga and spirituali­ty help you grow as an individual in all the aspects of your being. Yogic culture gives you the freedom to do both good and bad, allowing awareness to grow with each passing choice.

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