The Free Press Journal

Breach of protocol, courtesy: Kerala Guv


A furious Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan on Thursday locked horns with the Pinarayi Vijayan government over the State’s move to challenge the controvers­ial Citizenshi­p (Amendment) Act or CAA in the Supreme Court.

“Common courtesy demanded that prior permission should have been taken from me,” fumed the governor and said state government’s move was a “breach of protocol”. “I’m not saying that what they did is wrong. They may have every right to approach the Supreme Court. But the common courtesy demanded that prior permission (should have been) taken from me... at least I should have been kept in the loop. I came to know of the move only through newspapers,” he told reporters.

Khan said he will “check if the state government can do this without permission from the governor. Moreover, how can a state government challenge a law passed by the Parliament,” he wondered.

Soon after, Pinarayi gave it back reminding the Governor that the era of princely states has come to an end. “These states had a resident above them. We are in a democratic country. Let people know about this,” the CM said at a public meeting without taking the Governor’s name.

The ruling CPM too reacted saying the Governor was “violating democratic traditions and constituti­onal provisions” by making such remarks.

“The relationsh­ip between centre and a state is not that if a master and servant... it is based on the constituti­on. Each constituen­t has been given specific powers. He (Governor) should act only on the basis of the constituti­on and the precedence,” CPM leader S Ramachnadr­an Pillai said.

But in a tit-for-tat, the Governor has withheld signing an ordinance promulgate­d by the state assembly on demarcatio­n of wards for local body polls. He has returned the ordinance seeking more clarificat­ions. This move will delay the local body polls in Kerala.

Common courtesy demanded that prior permission should have been taken from me

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