The Free Press Journal

If everything is normal in J-K, why send 36 ‘propagandi­sts’: Congress


The Congress on Thursday slammed the government over its decision to send 36 Union ministers to Jammu and Kashmir, asking what was the need to send “propagandi­sts” if everything was “normal” there and wondered when would opposition leaders be allowed.

Taking a swipe at the government, the party said this is the first government which passes the laws first and then seeks support for it from the public.

A group of Union ministers will visit Jammu and Kashmir later this month to spread awareness about the positive impact of abrogation of provisions of Article 370 and the developmen­t measures taken by the government for the region. Their schedule is likely to be finalised at a meeting of the Union Council of Ministers on Friday.

“BJP government, in another propaganda exercise, has decided its time to explain the benefits of revoking Article 370 to Kashmiris. This is the first government that passes laws and then seeks support for it. When will the opposition leaders be allowed to visit Kashmir,” the Congress asked in a tweet on its official handle.

“Amit Shah says all is normal in Kashmir. If so, why send 36 propagandi­sts to Kashmir? Why not allow nonpropaga­ndists to go and understand the situation prevailing there?” tweeted senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal.

Thirty-six Union ministers will visit different districts in both the divisions of the Union Territory starting from January 18 to January 24 and the Home Ministry is coordinati­ng it.

“36 ministers running around J&K in 6 days is a sign of panic not normalcy. Abrogating Article 370 was a blunder & no quick fixes will work. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again,” tweeted Congress spokespers­on Manish Tewari.

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