The Free Press Journal

‘Amazon not doing favour to India by investing a billion dollars’


A day after the world's richest person Jeff Bezos announced fresh USD 1 billion investment in India, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday said his firm Amazon was not doing a favour to the country by the investment­s and questioned how the online retailing major could incur such "big" losses but for its predatory pricing.

Goyal, who has not yet given Bezos an audience, said e-commerce companies have to follow Indian rules in letter and spirit and not find loopholes to make a back-door entry into multi-brand retail segment.

India does not allow foreign investment beyond 49% in multi-brand retailing and has not yet approved any applicatio­n of overseas retailers.

"They (Amazon) may have put in a billion dollars but if they make a loss of a billion dollars every year, then jolly well will have to finance that billion dollar. So, it is not as if they are doing a favour to India when they invest a billion dollars," he said at the Raisina Dialogue here.

The USD 1 billion investment by to help bring small and medium businesses online is on the top of USD 5.5 billion funding it had previously announced.

The minister wondered why an ecommerce market place model, where a firm provides an IT platform for buyers and sellers, incurring huge losses adding that it needs to be looked upon.

"They are investing money over the last few years also in warehousin­g and certain other activities, which is welcome and good. But if they are bringing in money largely to finance losses and those losses in an e-commerce market place model," Goyal said.

He added that in a fair market place model in a turnover of USD 10 billion dollars, if a company is incurring loss of billion dollars, it "certainly raises questions, where the loss came from".

Goyal said that how can a marketplac­e make such a big loss unless they are indulging in "predatory pricing or some unfair trade practices".

"These are real questions which need answers and I am sure the authoritie­s who are looking at it seek those answers and I am sure the ecommerce companies will have their say on that," he said.

Fair trade regulator CCI (Competitio­n Commission of India) has recently ordered a probe against e-commerce majors Flipkart and Amazon for alleged malpractic­es, including deep discountin­g and tie-ups with preferred sellers on their platforms.

"CCI based on its preliminar­y findings has already initiated an enquiry into the (audio unclear) practices of Amazon and Flipkart. And that is certainly an area of concern for every Indian," he said.

 ??  ?? E-commerce companies should not find loopholes to make a back-door entry
E-commerce companies should not find loopholes to make a back-door entry

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