The Free Press Journal

Take care of your emotions

— Grand Master Akshar, Spiritual Guide & Yogapreneu­r

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Has there been one or maybe more occasions when you returned from work, and were sitting with your family? If so, do you remember being asked out for dinner, or to join them for a walk, and flatly refusing to go? Then, your reply must have come from a space of heaviness, and stress. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, let’s take a moment to backtrack. When you return home after a full day’s work, the energies of your home are different from that of your workplace.

In this situation, your hostile reply to an invitation to join your family may create negativity among the rest of your family members. This is because we tend to carry the emotions of our work environmen­t back with us to our home. This means that we have not yet fully understood the difference between the two places. When you are at war, you are a warrior, a soldier or a commander with the need to wear a certain aggressive­ness on your sleeve. But when the same person returns home, he or she is different because the role is different, demanding a more vulnerable, open, and grounded side of you.

To live happy and a blissful life, the key is our emotions, and how we deal with them. When we learn to channelize our emotions in the right manner, we will be able to reap the best fruit of our endeavours. Follow this simple technique that can help you gain better control, and balance over your emotions. This is to be practised twice a day, once in the morning and at night.

In the morning, around the time of sunrise, stand in Samasthith­i (with your eyes closed, erect spine, rooted with the feet, relaxed but focussed) facing the Sun. Duration – 5 minutes

In the evening, before going to sleep, stand in Samasthith­i (with your eyes closed, erect spine, rooted with the feet, relaxed but focussed) facing the Moon. Duration – 5 minutes

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