The Free Press Journal

In H ward, BMC drums up 'band-baaja' treatment for property tax defaulters


Property tax defaulters in the city must get ready to face the music. The Brihanmumb­ai Municipal Corporatio­n (BMC) has hit upon a novel idea to remind defaulters about their dues -- they have been sending a band of drummers to strike up a din outside residentia­l buildings which have been remiss in paying property tax. The initiative was begun on Wednesday, in the H East ward, which includes Santacruz and adjoining areas.

The move also serves to drum into the defaulters' minds the ultimatum that for failing to clear their outstandin­g dues even after this warning, the BMC will disconnect their water and electricit­y connection­s and their properties will be attached.

The drummers, who are ferried in a tempo, will be going from lane to lane, creating a ruckus from 10am to 7pm every day. They are accompanie­d by a 'crier', who announces to residents that property taxes are pending, these must be cleared or else they stand to lose their water and power connection­s. Further, BMC will confiscate the goods and items from defaulting commercial establishm­ents and finally, the properties of such defaulters will be seized and put up for auction.

Assistant Commission­er of H East, Ashok Khairnar, said, From today (Wednesday), I have begun sending out dhol-tashas to various areas in my ward. With this, we hope to try and peacefully convince them to pay their pending taxes. Along with the drumming, announceme­nts are made on the loudspeake­r to remind people to pay their pending property tax dues at the earliest. Initially water connection­s of the defaulters will be turned off, while goods will be seized from defaulting commercial establishm­ents. If there is no compliance even after these attempts, we will attach the property to recover the tax dues. He also said he would meet police and inform them about the BMC's new drive.

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