The Free Press Journal

PM considerin­g Trump as his ‘trump card’: Medha Patkar


Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of the much-awaited visit of US President Donald Trump starting from Monday, country’s leading social activist Medha Patkar on Wednesday says that PM Modi is considerin­g Trump as his “trump card” this time.

Coming down heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and various activities of the Central government ahead of the visit, she alleged that the Prime Minister is desperatel­y trying to cover up India’s poverty and other related issues before the high-profile VVIP.

“The slumps, which are near airports, have been covered by various means. He is not in a position to show his failure to improve India’s economy. He is showing President Trump how India is progressin­g under his leadership. But it’s all about business. Modi is selling his products to Trump and vice versa. Covering up India’s poverty is also a part of India’s business policy,” Medha Patkar alleged.

Informing that the people who are producing products in India are the poorer section in the society, she further regretted that PM Modi is trying to hide this section of people from President Trump.

“But this section of the people are the real working force in country. They are the people who produce goods and PM Modi is selling products prepared by these people to the foreign countries, including America. But PM Modi is trying to neglect this section of the masses. Without their contributi­on the country can’t run. But US market can run in India,” she thundered.

Demanding immediate release of Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) chief advisor Akhil Gogoi, she also severely criticised the All Asam Students Union (AASU) regarding their protest against the Citizenshi­p (Amendment) Act (CAA).

Medha Patkar along with social activist and Ramon Magsaysay awardee Sandeep Pandey were in Guwahati and visited Akhil Gogoi, who was arrested under the UAPA Act by the NIA, at Guwahati Central Jail on Wednesday.

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