The Free Press Journal


Officers carried out dawn raids on camper vans and ordered them to go home

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Cornish police sent selfish tourists home as they ignored lockdown rules by sleeping over at seaside resorts, raising fears a surge in crowds could trigger a second wave of coronaviru­s infections, according to Daily Mail report.

Officers carried out early-morning raids on campervans in Newquay to order those inside to go home, as closed car parks led to gridlocked roads.

According to Daily Mail, visitors were seen camped out in Brighton and at various beauty spots in Devon and Cornwall, with locals blasting 'selfish' revellers for partying into the night and leaving rubbish strewn across roads and open spaces.

It came as new figures showed coronaviru­s is still infecting an estimated 61,000 people a week in England - although the true figure could be as high as 111,000, reports Daily Mail.

A major study has also found less than half of 19 to 30-year-olds are 'strictly' abiding by Britain's lockdown rules, while among adults the figure has dropped from 70 per cent to under 60 per cent in the last fortnight.

Meanwhile, The British government has extended a COVID-19 Bereavemen­t Scheme, which grants permanent UK residency to the family members of overseas medics who die after contractin­g the coronaviru­s, to all healthcare staff and social care workers.

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel on Wednesday said the scheme will apply not only to the families and dependents of foreign doctors and nurses killed on the National Health Service (NHS) frontline during the pandemic, but also to lower-paid NHS support staff, including from India.

"Every death in this crisis is a tragedy, and sadly some NHS support staff and social care workers have made the ultimate sacrifice in the pursuit of saving the lives of others," the Indian-origin Cabinet minister said.

"When I announced the introducti­on of the bereavemen­t scheme in April, I said we would continue to work across government to look at ways to offer further support. Today we are extending the scheme to NHS support staff and social care workers," she said.

The UK has so far officially recorded 312 healthcare-related deaths from coronaviru­s -- 181 of them in the NHS and 131 social care workers within the healthcare sector. These deaths include many Indian medics, who make up one in 10 of all foreign-born doctors in the NHS.

The Bereavemen­t Scheme launched last month means the families and dependents of these healthcare sector employees, who have died due to the deadly virus in the line of duty, are eligible for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) in the UK, free of charge.

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