The Free Press Journal

Three ways of handling a problem

— Swami Brahmavida­nanda Saraswati


Books, videos and articles available outline different methods and techniques for handling problems. But if we really analyse all of it, it all boils down to three ways of handling a problem.

1. You deal with a problem by solving the problem. This seems to be an ideal solution. Like taking antibiotic­s for an urgent infection or therapy to save a marriage.

2. You deal with a problem by getting away from the problem. We do this because in some cases it is not possible to solve the problem. Please don’t mistake this as running away from the problem. It is putting a conscious distance between yourself and the problem. The conscious distance can be in the form of physical space or emotional space or both. Like distancing yourself from a toxic friend or a relative; Ending a problemati­c or abusive relationsh­ip. This is getting away from the problem as it is not possible to solve the problem immediatel­y.

3. You deal with a problem by living with the problem – For a lifestyle disorder like diabetes, there is no cure as such available for it. You have to live with it, manage it and lead a healthy life. In looking after a relative who is suffering from dementia, the problem cannot be solved but managed.

Therefore you either solve a problem, put space between yourself and the problem or learn to live with the problem. This would involve determinin­g what is the nature of the problem you are dealing with – a problem I can solve, a problem that does not have a solution for the time being or a problem that must be lived with. Living with the problem is not putting up with an abusive relationsh­ip and say I am living with the problem. That is refusing to see facts. Yes, you may live with it until you develop the courage and strength to walk away. In each of the three methods for problem-solving and there are innumerabl­e techniques available that you can pick and choose from.

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