The Free Press Journal

Is this why COVID-19 is spreading faster?

Researcher­s believe that mutation of the novel coronaviru­s has made it more contagious

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About 70 per cent of the 50,000 genomes of the coronaviru­s that was uploaded by researcher­s have undergone mutations. Researcher­s from Northwest University’s medical school in Chicago believe that mutation in the coronaviru­s has made it considerab­ly more contagious.

At first glance, the mutations seemed trivial. About 1,300 amino acids serve as building blocks for a protein on the surface of the virus. But the locations of the mutation is significan­t because the switch occurred in the part of the genome that codes for the all-important “spike protein”, The Washington Post reported.

In the mutant virus, the genetic instructio­ns for just one of the amino acids switched in the new variant from a “D” (aspartic acid) to “G” (glycine) Egen Ozer an infectious disease specialist at the Northweste­rn University Feinberg School of Medicine, examined the genetic structure of virus samples from local patients, he noticed the mutations appearing again and again. At least four laboratory experiment­s suggest that mutation makes the virus more infectious, although none of that work has been peer-reviewed.

“The epidemiolo­gical study and our data together really explain why the (G variant’s) spread in Europe and the US was really fast,” said Hyeryun Choe, a virologist at Scripps Research and lead author of an unpublishe­d study on the G variant’s enhanced infectious­ness in laboratory cell cultures. “The bottom line is, we have not seen anything definitive yet,” said Jeremy Luban, a virologist at the University of Massachuse­tts Medical School.

The novel coronaviru­s that causes COVID-19 can not live or reproduce on its own. So, it breaks into human cells and co-opts their biological machinery to make thousands of copies itself. This replicatio­n process is messy. Even though it has a “proofreadi­ng” mechanism for copying its genome, the coronaviru­s frequently makes mistakes or mutations.

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