The Free Press Journal

Gold smuggling: Kerala CM’s top ex-aide grilled for 9 more hours


M Sivasankar, the former principal secretary and IT secretary, was let off by NIA investigat­ors for the day after nine hours of grilling. He has been asked to report back at the NIA office, Kochi on Tuesday for further interrogat­ions. After completion of the day’s questionin­g, the senior bureaucrat, considered as the conscience keeper of CM Pinarayi Vijayan when he was in office, drove straight to a leading lawyer of the city, but apparently changed his plan due to the large presence of media, with a number of cars following him.

With Monday’s grilling lasting 9 hours, Sivasankar has been interrogat­ed for 14 hours already in two sessions. The continuing questionin­g, which will resume on Tuesday, suggests the premier investigat­ing agency, probing the terrorist angle in the sensationa­l case of gold smuggling through the diplomatic channels, probably means the bureaucrat has to provide satisfacto­ry answers to many more questions.

Sivasankar’s probe was being watched with anxiety in the ruling circles and keen interest in the opposition camps as any further action, which can include his arrest, would put the Vijayan government on the defensive.

It is believed if he is arrested, it could lead to further links in the CMO, which would make the government’s position more vulnerable. The probe is progressin­g even as the central leadership of the party pledged full support to Vijayan and remarked the opposition Congress and BJP are making a joint bid to destabilis­e the government.

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