The Free Press Journal

Police files closure report in case against scribe Kulkarni


The Bandra police have told a magistrate court that upon investigat­ion they have found that wrong circumstan­ces led to the filing of the FIR against Marathi TV journalist Rahul Kulkar ni in the Bandra migrant workers gathering case and have sought that he be released as an accused in the case.

They sought to consider it a C Summary or a closure report against him as investigat­ion did not yield any result.

The police said that when they questioned Kulkar ni he told them that he had read a news report of an English daily about the railways collecting data regarding stranded migrants and had found out more and got to know that the railways was considerin­g starting special trains to reach the migrants their states. He had confir med the infor mation with senior railway of ficials before it was aired on April 14 in the mor ning between 9 am and 11.30 am on the news channel.

Further, the police told the court in its report that witnesses had said they had neither heard of nor seen his news broadcast before gathering at the location.

Importantl­y, it states that Kulkar ni in his news had not specified the timing of the special trains or the location from where they would start and had clearly stated that the proposal is only being considered at that point and a decision is yet to be taken.

Kulkar ni’s advocate Shriganesh Sawalkar said that the FIR was filed against Kulkar ni by the police without verifying facts and he was arrested. “Everyone knows that out-station trains don’t start from Bandra, even those who had gathered knew that,” he said.

The report said that some witnesses had stated that they had gathered there due to videos they had seen of Vinay Dubey. The police have said that Dubey gave repeated calls on social media for migrants to gather at their nearest railway station and pressurize the gover nment to start special trains for them.

On Apr 14, around 1,000 to 1,200 mig rant workers had g athered outside Bandra station demanding for trains to send them home. The police use mild force to disperse the crowd. Kulkar ni was one of those booked for spreading misinfor mation which led to the situation.

Police say the Marathi journalist was not involved in Bandra migrant gathering incident

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