The Free Press Journal

Group seeks used gadgets for children who cannot afford it


In an attempt to ensure that not a single child is deprived of basic education, a Mumbaibase­d citizens' group has initiated a unique donation drive seeking second-hand gadgets and smart devices. The Mumbai North Central District Forum (MNCDF) is a citizens' group which is actively involved in voluntar y social work. As most of the private and state-run schools have now adapted to virtual classrooms, those from underprivi­leged background­s are finding it difficult to afford a smart device.

Unable to find any remedy for their financial problems, families living in parts of Maharashtr­a and also living in the outskirts of the state have approached the members of MNCDF seeking help in buying gadgets and smart devices. "Many people have approached us to help them in the procuremen­t of gadgets which is why we have generated a donation campaign requesting people to donate their unused smart devices, which can be used by these people", Trivankuma­r Karnani, founder and spokespers­on MNCDF told FPJ. The group had launched the campaign on August 1 by initiating an online and offline donation drive. The campaign was created through both social media (online) as well as word of mouth (offline) as well. MNCDF have received varieties of smart devices including tablets, smartphone­s, iPads and iPhones till date, which they are planning to hand out to the people on August 15. The devices will be donated in phases not only to the children studying in BMC-run schools in Mumbai but also to those who are studying in different Zilla Parishad (ZP) schools.

MNCDF have received varieties of smart devices which they are planning to hand out to the people on August 15

"We have asked people to donate gadgets directly because many people update their smart gadgets frequently and a lot of gadgets remain unused so these gadgets don't get wasted and could be put into good use," Karnani stated "The drive received a good response and we have received a variety of devices. We will now sort them and hand out to the people on August 15," he added, also mentioning the drive would continue even af ter the August 15.

"Most of the people who are living outside Mumbai do not have the ability to buy smart devices. Even if they buy they are not well equipped with their usage," stated Ramesh Salunke, former educator and activist.

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