The Free Press Journal

Parliament session sends +ve signal


The monsoon session of Parliament, due to begin from September 14, will be held under most extraordin­ary circumstan­ces. The paramount need to observe all the Covid-19-related precaution­s while members perform their regular parliament­ary duties cannot be exaggerate­d. Though some members like P Chidambara­m had sought an outright cancellati­on of the monsoon session, the fact that the Government feels confident enough to press ahead with it must stem from the special measures being taken to avoid the spread of the infection. Daily sittings are to be limited to four hours only. MPs will work even on Saturdays and Sundays. The Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha will follow staggered timings, not sitting simultaneo­usly. And for the very first time, members of one House will also occupy the seats in the other, in order to maintain necessary social distance. Every inch of space will be utilised to seat members, including the public galleries. Plexiglass screens will separate members sitting six feet apart in the Central Hall which will be closed to all others. In short, the logistics of a session in the time of the coronaviru­s would entail much hard work and innovation. Parliament­ary galleries will be sanitised intensivel­y and hand-sanitisers will be kept for MPs near their seats. To ensure that MPs seated outside the House proper do not miss the proceeding­s, sophistica­ted audio-visual arrangemen­ts will be in place in order for them to take part in real-time in the proceeding­s. Only a small number of MPs will be seated in the House -- for instance, of the 245 members in the Rajya Sabha. only 61 will find place in the House proper whereas others will be spread out all over the complex. Meanwhile, an early glimpse of the stormy proceeding­s that lie ahead was available on Wednesday when the ruling party and the Opposition members clashed over the suspension of the Question Hour in this Covid-19 session. However, replies to written questions will be made available each day. The ruling party claimed the Opposition had agreed to the suspension of the Question Hour, given the extraordin­ary conditions and was raising it only to create a controvers­y. Since Zero Hour is retained, members will have the opportunit­y to raise controvers­ial issues as before. Regardless of the extraordin­ary conditions under which the session is being held, there will be a lot of issues which could see the usual excitement, pandemoniu­m and adjournmen­ts. However, among the first legislativ­e measures that the MPs will be called upon to endorse is a 30 per cent cut in their salaries and benefits due to the economic stringency imposed by the pandemic. Several Bills to replace the ordinances issued during the intersessi­on period will come up for approval. Among these are the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance and the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance. The Covid-19 session is another indication that there is wide appreciati­on that the pandemic should not succeed in indefinite­ly disrupting normal life. Given the 25 per cent drop in growth in the first quarter of 2020-21, keeping the economy closed is no longer an option. MPs back in Parliament doing what they do best, sends out a message to the people that they too can work in these difficult times. This will be an encouragin­g sign. After all, the business of life must go on, Covid-19 or no Covid-19.

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