The Free Press Journal


#Daughters & Sons


I am raising my son in such a manner that your daughter will be safe. Belanwali@BelanWaIi it is only a woman who can raise men,right. more power to you. Rohit Badiger@SooRohitWo­rthy

Irrespecti­ve of how you raise your child, it takes a village to raise a child. The society to which (S)he is expose, company they keep, what they watch and hear around them etc, plays a major role, sakamath@sakamath I am consciousl­y raising my daughter in a way that men are never accused wrongly and taken advantage of. ... Ethically and morally conscious children is the need of this kali yug Mrs AD@AshaDwarak­anath Yes parents don't teach their sons to rape but some parents don't even teach their sons to respect women. N it's not just about rape it's also about eve teasing, verbal and physical abuse. Priyanki Ghosh@PriyankiGh­osh

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