The Free Press Journal

A Prophecy Fulfilled


CRONUS, the Greek sky-god, had been told that he would be deprived of his throne by one of the sons of the goddess Rhea. So he decided to do away with any child that might be born to her. Her first child was a girl. Cronus swallowed her in one gulp. The next two children, both girls, met the same fate. Then followed two male children. Cronus swallowed each one as soon as it was born.

Rhea finally appealed to her mother Gaea for help. Gaea took away the next child that was born and when Cronus asked Rhea to hand over the infant, she wrapped a rock the size of a baby in cloth and gave it to h i m. Cr o n u s popped it into his mouth and swallowed it.

The child that had been saved was a boy. Rhea named him Zeus and when he was grown to manhood, brought him to stay with her at Cronus’ palace.

One day Cronus wanted a drink. Rhea asked her son to give it to him. Cronus drank from the cup that Zeus had handed him and began to feel nauseous. Then he began vomiting. The first thing he threw up was a rock. Then followed the five children — now grown to adulthood.

Cronus challenged Zeus to a fight and a great war followed. Zeus and his brothers and sisters finally vanquished Cronus and his allies and Zeus became the most powerful of the gods.

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