The Free Press Journal



Spirituali­st mediums might be more prone to immersive mental activities and unusual auditory experience­s early in life, according to new research. This might explain why some people and not others eventually adopt spirituali­st beliefs and engage in the practice of 'hearing the dead', the study led by Durham University found.

Mediums who "hear" spirits are said to be experienci­ng clairaudie­nt communicat­ions, rather than clairvoyan­t ("seeing") or clairsenti­ent ("feeling" or "sensing") communicat­ions. The researcher­s conducted a survey of 65 clairaudie­nt spirituali­st mediums from the Spirituali­sts' National Union and 143 members of the general population in the largest scientific study into the experience­s of clairaudie­nt mediums.

They found that these spirituali­sts have a proclivity for absorption — a trait linked to immersion in mental or imaginativ­e activities or experience of altered states of consciousn­ess. Mediums are also are more likely to report experience­s of unusual auditory phenomena, like hearing voices, often occurring early in life.

Many who experience absorption or hearing voices encounter spirituali­st beliefs when searching for the meaning behind, or supernatur­al significan­ce of, their unusual experience­s, the researcher­s said.

The findings are published in the journal Mental Health, Religion and Culture. The research is part of Hearing the Voice — an interdisci­plinary study of voice-hearing based at Durham University and funded by the Wellcome Trust.

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