The Free Press Journal

Busted! Five common myths about hair colouring


Many people avoid colouring their hair as they think it will make them look dull, grey and lead to serious damage. But that’s not true at all! Read on to find the truth…

People change the colour of their tresses quite often. Hair colour has the power to alter your personalit­y and make you feel like a whole other person altogether. But whether it’s about covering those pesky greys or experiment with new hair colour, there are several myths around hair colouring. Sameer Hamdare, Zonal Technical Manager of Streax Profession­al, talks about some common myths and facts of hair colouring. MYTH: If you colour your hair once, you have to keep colouring it.

FACT: This is not true at all! Recolourin­g your hair is entirely your choice. Colouring your hair does not mean that you can never have its natural colour back.

MYTH: Colouring your hair will make it go grey sooner. FACT: Grey hair is entirely genetic, and colouring does not accelerate the greying of hair. The hair starts greying when the melanin stops producing the colour pigment, and this is when your hair starts turning into grey.

MYTH: Colouring will make your hair-thin.

FACT: Colour has no role in making your hair thin, deficiency in vitamins and minerals could be one reason your hair starts thinning. MYTH: Colouring will damage your hair.

FACT: This is one of the biggest myths and one that you all must have heard all the time. Colouring your hair can't have an incredibly negative impact on your hair.

Still, there are many different options on the market for maintainin­g healthy hair while having fun with the colours, and you need to use a colour safe shampoo, conditione­r, and serum, a significan­t culprit for damaged hair lies in the use of colour if using a proper technique & aftercare then your hair will be just as soft and healthy always.

MYTH: Hair colour is difficult to maintain.

FACT: No, hair colour is easy to maintain, you need an excellent aftercare product such as (shampoo, conditione­r & serum it is vital but don’t buy them without consulting with your hairstylis­t, as he/she know your hair & scalp.

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