The Free Press Journal



'Suggestion That My Tweets Shake Foundation Of Most Powerful Court An Over-Estimation Of My Abilities' : Kunal Kamra Responds To SC Contempt Notice

Must read: Kunal Kamra's short & brilliant response to the contempt notice to him by the SC Prashant Bhushan@pbhushan1

… I hope the SC judges don't understand his response. If they do the best possible response they can come up with is to tell him to keep cracking jokes and not get serious. Heimdall@twitmenon

I like his defence, not a fan though. Society is governed by institutio­ns and laws. You don't like it, no issue but this is how it is. It took several thousands years to reach at this point. tarun@tarun07078­9

Inspired to say the very least. @kunalkamra­88 #KunalKamra has worded the affidavit with kindness, openness, vulnerabil­ity and honesty. Kubbra Sait@KubbraSait

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