The Free Press Journal

are totally oblivious to the occurrence. Some other mudras which need to be practised are:


(a) Jnana mudra

This is performed to increase brain power, improves memory and for the removal of negative thoughts and thereby one attains peace and bliss.

(b) Prithvi mudra

This helps in balancing the five sense organs, improves blood circulatio­n and enhances our energy levels. Practicing of this mudra assists in increasing our alertness.

(c) Apana mudra

This facilitate­s in an improved eliminatio­n process, revitalisi­ng the digestive system, improving the gums and strengthen­s immunity. (d) Prana mudra

This mudra addresses the problem of fatigue; it also provides essential vitamins to the body besides increasing stamina and vigour to the human body. It also helps in maintenanc­e of the health of our eyes. (e) Dhyana mudra

Essentiall­y, this mudra helps in making us mindful and wakeful and we are at peace with ourselves. Over a period of time we attain peace of mind.

(f) Shunya Vayu mudra

Practice of this mudra helps in combating problems of flatulence and gastric ailments.

The gut houses our solar plexus, which is also referred to as the second brain. We need to take adequate care of our abdomen as a majority of human ailments arise from this part of the body. Therefore, there is enormous merit in the adage, ‘Health is in your hands’.

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