The Free Press Journal

First Speaker had spoken


There has been an uproar in Parliament over the passage of the three far m laws passed in 2020 and the subsequent siege by protesting far mers at the borders of Delhi, with the chakka jam being the latest event. The crux of the problem is the manner in which these laws were hurriedly passed in the Parliament. Even the bureaucrac­y, which is supposed to advise the gover nment, seems to have not read the relevant book by M N Kaul and

S L Shakdher, ‘Practice and Procedure of Parliament’. Or were they too scared to speak?

It had been establishe­d long ago by G V Mavalankar, the first Lok Sabha Speaker, in his letter of July 1954 to the first PM, Jawaharlal Nehru that the issue of an ordinance is undemocrat­ic and cannot be justified except in cases of extreme urgency or Emergency.

Satish Murdeshwar

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