The Free Press Journal

Trump’s access to intel briefings will be determined by officials


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has said that the decision on whether or not former US President Donald Trump should have access to intelligen­ce breifings will be determined by intel officials, according to media reports.

In a statement to The Washington Post newspaper on Saturday, Psaki said: "The President (Joe Biden) was expressing his concern about former president Trump receiving access to sensitive intelligen­ce, but he also has deep trust in his own intelligen­ce team to make a determinat­ion about how to provide intelligen­ce informatio­n if at any point the former president Trump requests a briefing."

Former Presidents are normally allowed to receive intelligen­ce briefings, but Biden does not believe that Trump should have the access "because of his erratic behaviour", The Hill news website reported.

Speaking to CBS News on Friday,

Biden had said that Trump represents an "existentia­l threat".

"I'd rather not speculate out loud. I just think that there is no need for him to have the intelligen­ce briefings. What value is giving him an intelligen­ce briefing? What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?" the President said.

Last month, House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff had also said that Trump could not be trusted with intelligen­ce.

"There is no circumstan­ce in which this President should get another intelligen­ce briefing, not now and not in the future," Schiff said during a CBS News interview.

"Indeed, there were, I think, any number of intelligen­ce partners around the world who probably started withholdin­g informatio­n from us because they didn't trust the President would safeguard that informatio­n, and protect their sources and methods. And that makes us less safe."

Former Presidents are normally allowed to receive intelligen­ce briefings, but Biden does not believe that Trump should have the access "because of his erratic behaviour

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