The Free Press Journal

Depressed and out of work? This therapy may help you


If depression is making it more difficult for some unemployed people to land a job, one type of therapy may help, research suggests. The findings indicated that 41 per cent of unemployed or underemplo­yed people undergoing cognitive behavioura­l therapy (CBT) found a new job or went from part-to full-time work.

Those who had a job but found it difficult to focus on and accomplish work tasks because of depression said the treatment helped to significan­tly reduce these problems, the researcher­s said.

“CBT helps patients overcome these views by teaching them that the experience of depression is not their fault and that they can take steps to improve their concentrat­ion and accomplish work more successful­ly even when experienci­ng depressive symptoms,” said researcher Daniel Strunk from The Ohio State University.

For the study the team involved 126 people who participat­ed in a 16-week course of CBT, that teaches coping skills that help patients counteract and modify their negative beliefs.

In this study, 27 patients were seeking to improve their employment status (land a job or go from part-to full-time) at the beginning of treatment. CBT had a clear impact for those who had jobs and reported at the beginning of the treatment that depression was hurting their effectiven­ess. The findings showed that one way CBT had this effect was by reducing patients’ “negative cognitive style,” or the extent to which patients view negative events in overly pessimisti­c ways, according to the researcher. –IANS

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